
To start with, the surrogacy law bans commercial surrogacy, and makes it a non-bailable and non-compoundable offence to undertake commercial surrogacy. The commission of such an offence invites imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years and with fine which may extend to ten lakh rupees.

Surrogacy is not for you if you are a single male (unmarried, divorced, widower) or an unmarried female, or a transgender, or a homosexual, or a live-in couple, or a married couple with a child, or a married couple who can conceive a child but the healthy and fertile wife wants to avoid undergoing pregnancy. Nor can you transfer or use your own gametes, zygotes and embryos, directly or indirectly, to any party outside India for your own personal use without the permission of the Indian authorities under the ART Act, thereby impeding access to surrogacy even abroad. Further, the surrogacy law specifies who can go for surrogacy, with whom and in what manner. To Know more details please contact us

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